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The vegetation consists of typical coastal and Mediterranean shrubs such as wood and tamerice, but also tall trees such as domestic pine, willow, poplar, oak. The mammals present within the Mesola Forest Nature Reserve are mainly deer and a substantial nucleus (about 300) of Mesola deer the last nucleus of the ancient deer of the Po Valley. The latter is a unique native species and is the subject of important scientific studies as well as an important museum exhibition on the second floor of the Castle of mesola. You can discover the deer by means of an electric van in the period from March to the end of October. Other mammals present are the yem (Meles meles), the skunt (Mustela putorius), the hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) and the vole (Arvicola terrestris). There is a wide variety of bird species including the blackbird (Turdus merula), the capinera (Sylvia atricapilla), the cheerful chincie (Parus major), the allocco (Strix aluco). Reptiles include the common viper (Vipera aspis), biacco (Coluber virdiflavus), Hermann tortoise (Testudo hermanni) and marsh tortoise (Emys orbicularis). Amphibians are also abundant, including the recent discovery of the foscus pelobate (Pelobates fuscus), the only known population south of the Po River.

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