Zadar Sunset festival
Zadar Sunset Festival is a brand new 2-day event taking place in the city of Zadar which is known to have one of the most beautiful sunsets in the world. Taking place at the most recognizable site in Zadar, the Monument to the Sun.
The idea consists of creating a stage for the world’s most renowned artists in special settings and creating unique experiences by combining music, people, and the energy of the sun.
Ostala čula koja su uključena
- Vid:
Pristupačnost / prevoz
- Autocesta mreža-automobil:
- Međugradski / turistički autobus:
- Zračna luka:
- Mreža plovnih puteva-brodovi:
- Bicikli i pješački putevi :
- Staze i planinarske ceste :
- Luke:
- Društveni život:
- Momenti i Sjećanja: