Gorka pomorandža
Nerantzi (bitter-orange) spoon sweet
1,200gr bitter oranges, 3 c sugar, 2 c water, the juice of 1 lemon
Method: Thoroughly wash and dry the fruit. Grate finely to get rid of the orange part of the rind which is bitter. Then, with a sharp knife, cut off the two ends of the fruit and score the rind down to the flesh inside (just as one would peel an orange).
Peel off the rind, reserve, and dispose of the orange flesh inside. You should be left with 500gr of rind. Roll up each segment of rind, and secure with a toothpick of needle and thread. Place all the pieces in a large bowl or basin with enough water to cover and refrigerate for 24 hours. Change the water twice during this period. After the 24 hours are up, strain and boil in a fresh pot of water for 10 minutes. Strain again and remove toothpicks. Prepare syrup in a wide shallow pot and bring to a boil. After 5 minutes, add the segments. Simmer until the syrup has thickened. Remove any frothy scum on the surface and then pour the sweet into sterilized jars.