Crickets often make so much noise, and it is so hard to actually see that tireless musician somewhere in the pines or holm oak. It takes a lot of effort to recognize it, because its body color fits perfectly into the grayish, cracked bark of pine trees. Crickets have special membranes which vibration produces sound. This happens about 400-500 times in a minute. The sound is amplified in the occiput of male cricket and acting as a resonator, The sound is then modulated by placing occiput in relation to the ground and thus rhythmic sounds are created. Crickets only produce music when the temperature is above 25 degrees. When it is colder, they don’t have enough energy. They are therefore true summer insects. It is interesting that only male sing and, on that way, attract females. We find our crickets in the forests of the coastal zone, mostly in conifers. It is common all over the Mediterranean, and several other species live in Croatia. It is hard to imagine summer and that special summer atmosphere without their sound, so in Dalmatia they have become a symbol of summer.
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